Functional Urology, Female Urology, Neuro-Urology
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Functional Urology, Female Urology, Neuro-Urology
Dr Subodh Kamble hold expertise in functional Urology, Female Urology and Neuro-Urology. He has an extensive experience in managing female urology patients. He acquired extensive experience and skill whilst working in female urology for 2 years and developed expertise in managing and operating such patients.
Dr Subodh Kamble was extensively trained in this subspecialty of urology in UK and Australia. He offers all types of comprehensive care for above conditions including medical management and surgical management which includes following.
- Bladder stretching (cystoscopic hydrodistension)
- Intravesical Botox injection (scar less surgery).
- Intraurethral injection of bulking agents (scar less surgery)
- TVT(tension-free vaginal tape)/TOT(Trans obturator tape) surgeries and Colposuspension.
- Dr Subodh Kamble has expertise in management of very debilitating condition called Interstitial Cystitis and offers diagnostic as well as all types of management for the same.
Emergency Cases
Please feel free to contact Dr Subodh Kamble for any urological emergencies